The longings of creation

For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.

This verse from Romans chapter 8 v 19 is worth some meditating on …. In the light of current environmental news I found myself looking at it in a different light from the perhaps more conventional reading. How long must creation and creatures remain crushed by the desires of humans … I was looking at the suppression and destruction of the natural world and the seeming relentless cruelty meted out by human creatures on their fellows. In the UK the new government seems determined to only use economic factors as their reference point and too often the desires of large multinationals or large agri-business groupings take  preference over the well being of animals, wild life and the environment. The short term quick gains are preferred over the longer term decisions that will benefit the planet or the natural world.

One thing that contemplative prayer does do is awaken a sense of connection with other living beings. It also makes us aware of the interconnection of all beings and all systems with one another – everything is inter dependent and the hubris that sets human beings apart in some way can only lead to disaster. Creation at some level of deep consciousness waits with an eager expectation for our revelation and awareness to develop as through such awareness the liberty of all that exists can be gained.